Jean-Joseph Weerts, Murdered Marat! (Wikipedia)

The persecution and character assassination of the President of the American Association for Suicidology, David Covington

A suppressed story illustrates how wokes gain power by exploiting dysfunction in American institutions.

James C. Coyne
13 min readApr 25, 2021


Depiction of the Marquis de Sade by H. Biberstein in L’Œuvre du marquis de Sade, Guillaume Appolinaire (Edit.), Bibliothèque des Curieux, Paris, 1912 (Wikimedia)

In their own teacup reign of terror, a tiny group of anonymous, self-styled radicals extracted an apology from a professional organization and forced the resignation of its president, ostensibly because they didn’t like language in his keynote address.

The group disappeared after colluding with the Board of Directors of the American Association for Suicidology in covered up their canceling and forced resignation of President David Covington. The illusion was created that nothing unusual had happened and everything was normal.

In the weeks leading up to the 52nd Annual Convention of the American Association for Suicidology in Denver, President David Covington was tweeting up a storm with the hashtag #AAS2019. David noted that the upcoming event was the fifteenth annual convention of the organization he had attended. He was proud to be finally attending the…



James C. Coyne

Socially conscious Clinical Health Psychologist. Skeptic debunking hype and pseudoscience. Defender of freedom of expression without undue fear of reprisal